Sunday | |
8:30am | - Orthros |
9:30am | - Divine Liturgy |
Wednesday | |
6:00pm | - Akathist for St Athanasius |
Friday | |
9:00am | - Akathist for Children |
Saturday | |
5:30pm | - Vespers |
Please see our monthly calendars below for additions and variations to the regular schedule of services!

The services of the Orthodox Church are ancient and have been maintained faithfully in the Church since the early centuries of Christianity. The Divine Liturgy we serve every Sunday was first put on paper in the 4th century (the same time the final version of the Bible was compiled)! Therefore, Orthodox services can feel a little foreign to those used to Protestant and more modern forms of Catholic worship in America. But, the beauty and intensity of the services is undeniable and we encourage all to come and experience this ancient worship with us. All are welcome!
If you are curious about what to expect, below are some quick explanations of our regular services.

Services are also streamed. Click here to go to our Youtube channel.